Poker Hand Rankings

Poker hand rankings are universal and worldwide, that is they will never change or be in any other order of what they are set out in below. These poker hand rankings are in order of Best possible poker hand down to the weakest possible poker hand you can have and play in any texas holdem poker game.

Royal flush
The best poker hand ranking in poker. The best hand you can get Royal Flush
Royal Flush
Straight flush
Straight Flush is the second best hand in texas holdem poker.
Straight Flush
Four of a kind
A good strong hand is a Four of a kind. and the third best hand in poker
Four of a kind
Full House
A Full House comes next and is the 4th best hand in poker hand rankings.
Full House
The one everyone seems to chase is a Flush comes 5th.
A hand hard to fold but can get you into trouble. A Straight is 5th best poker hand.
Three of a kind
One of those trappy hands. 3 of a kind can earn you good money if played correctly.
Three of a kind
Two Pairs
2 Pairs is the 7th best poker hand ranking and a good hand in many situations.
two pairs
One Pair
One pair is hard to play when being called or raised. Just be awre of your kicker and how strong or weak it is..
One pair
High Card
And last but not least High Card is the last poker hand ranking available. when all else fails your left with whoever has the highest card available.
High Card

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